Friday, January 30, 2009

NEW ITEMS UPLOADED! Here are some of the items SOLD for January

Don't miss out the chance to grab items on SALE. New items are added just visit this link:

Here are some of the items SOLD :) SO SHOP NOW ! ! !

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Fashion Escape 's new Image

New Image Fashion Escape
Fashion Escape

my eBay shop's new logo. Who else would be a better model of my own shop but me?! haha, im just a frustrated graphic designer.

Visit my local shop

Im selling global soon! men's magazine from the philippines , dvds and more!

Happy Chinese New Year !!

Chinese New Year


Sunday, January 18, 2009

I believe this one is final...

It' s over. Finally, I can breathe.

I can have a life again, something apart from always trying to run after you. Devoting my time and attention just to catch up with your schedule whenever you want to talk.
(to fight to prove myself and my love to u)

I can stop trying to understand, trying to make you see that we can work through this, that our love is worth fighting for.

All the uncertainty, all the confusion, all the pain of not knowing where I went wrong, all the accusations, especially the accusation of being manipulative while towards the end it was YOU who's manipulating me to do something to satisfy just YOU!, your so-called punishments, they are finally over.

D*mn you for putting me through all that.

D*mn you for taking my belief in love, my belief in forever, my belief in you, and handing them back to me broken, because you are unsure of me????.

You will never know how much you hurt me by just giving up, you will never know how much you scared me from loving as much as I loved you ever again.

I did not deserve to be hurt that way. And you didn't deserve my heart.

So much wasted emotion. I had so much more tenderness to give, I could have stayed with you longer, but you didn't think it would be worth our while. You enjoyed my sufferings, u even made it known to me that i needed to be punished. Yet you say your love for me is real? This is YOUR version of love? Tough love? Tough definitely, but love? there's no love in this. Just all pretend and lies.

I know you're still attracted to me , as I know that you were too d*mned scared to be vulnerable. You told me you dont want to get you're hurting me instead.

And I was stupid enough to hope I can help you conquer that fear, or live with it, so that you can take the risk of letting me into your heart. I took the chance and fought for my feelings and my love. To the point of looking desperate for your attention. There's no day or night i stopped thinking of you. But it's so easy for you to just ignore me and ignore all my efforts to hang on to our relationship.

Not anymore. You would rather hurt me than let down your guard.

I loved you. Honestly, bravely, intensely I loved you. But it wasn't enough. You wanted consequences for me to do. Punishments for me to suffer.

I hate the fact that we could have saved us, but we didn't.

We simply gave up something rare, something that doesn't come along everyday.

I hate the emptiness. I hate the regrets.

But the worst thing about all this is the simple, stupid, pathetic truth that I miss you.

I miss you. I knew losing you would be painful, but pain, I can deal with. Once again im doubting there's such thing as TRUE love. I guess it's extinct.

I can cope with the sharp, intense rush of emotion that cuts like a knife, but is relieved somehow by tears and is dulled by the passage of time.

What I didn't expect was the sadness, the steady, lingering hurt that comes with the realization that you will never again look at me as if I'm precious, special, and infinitely cherished.

You will never again call me “MY WIFE” with the tender amazement that I really am yours.

It's the constant heaviness that haunts me and makes me wonder if I'll ever be whole again without you, or if I'll always mourn the part of me that died with our love.

I miss you.

And I'm to be totally honest with myself, I'll have to admit that some parts of me would accept and say I'd do anything, give everything even go through all the confusion again, just to find a way for you to keep believing in us. To bring back the intensity of our emotional attachment.

But there's no chance of that. I believe it's all make believe. I met the guy who pretended to be all loving and everything i'd wish for. Your treatment of me drastically changed so fast that NO true love can ever do that. Love doesnt fade so fast.

Some goodbyes are final. I have a feeling this one is.

Thursday, January 8, 2009

Why Men Leave the Women they LOVE

Reality check:
These same insecure, needy, negative feelings
that drive men away are going to keep coming up
over and over in place after place until you are
ALONE again.

Here are a few important questions to
consider right now:

How do you think all your negative emotional
fears and frustrations are affecting the man in
your life?

And how do these make him think and feel about
you and your relationship?

And what would he tell you and ask you for if
he wasn't afraid of freaking you out, and was open
and honest?

*Hint- learning to listen and understand a
man's feelings is also a huge part of creating a
strong relationship that meets BOTH of your needs.

If you want to learn how to get a man to listen
to you better, understand what you're going
through without getting frustrated or angry, and
commit to working through it with you and opening
up,then move past
RESISTANCE to growth and understanding in

I've recognized that men commonly
have a kind of RESISTANCE to working through
intense emotional situations in relationships.

And it's often these same few areas of
RESISTANCE that cause conflict in relationships
and lead to men to pulling away or leaving.

A few important truths about men and the common reasons
why they leave relationships with women they like
or love...

Reason 1: The "Pleasure Principle"

Men, and women, generally want to FEEL GOOD in
their lives.

And they want to have the people around them be
a source of pleasure and comfort and support.

Yourself included.

When you are constantly freaking out on a man
for what it is about him that freaks you out, you
quickly turn into one of the people who he just

And this has a huge impact on whether or not he
wants to invest more time, effort, and energy in
you and your relationship -

Or if he will decide to give up on trying to
fix what's going on so you can both feel good

Reason 2: Emotional Experience And The Future

For the man in a relationship, the way a woman
acts in the "little" situations become indicators
of how she's going to respond when things really
are tough in the future.

So if a woman is consistently negative and
emotional... and can't get herself together even
when a man tries to explain things and comfort
her... then a man isn't going to think that things
could be any better for them in the future.

Reason 3: Lost Feelings Of Attraction

Love can be important to a man.

But just like a woman, if he doesn't also keep
experiencing the exciting and addictive feelings
of CONNECTION and ATTRACTION with the woman he
loves... then eventually EVERYTHING ELSE stops

When a man doesn't FEEL that deep level of
connection with a woman, at least every so often
to remind him of why he's with her, then he'll
forget why... and the relationship will become
just a whole bunch of "work" to him.

Whenever he thinks of his girlfriend, he'll
think of all the problems, frustrations, and
negative emotions and experiences... and he'll see
a future and a commitment as something that will
make him LESS SATISFIED in his life.

Often times when women are feeling distance or
trouble in a relationship, they'll try to "talk"
to a man and work on "the relationship."

Big mistake if you want to turn things around.

For a man, he wants to do things together (not
talk) to know his relationship is working.

Creating a deep level of connection and sharing
the attraction you have is one of the most
powerful and important keys to giving a man his
own reason for wanting to be with you, no matter

Reason 4: The "Neediness" of Codependence

A man wants to be with a woman who brings
something better to his life, not takes away his
time, energy, and emotional "stability."

So when a woman doesn't have much going on for
herself in her own life a few things happen:

First, she focuses on her relationship too much
as her source of happiness or unhappiness.

You can tell when you've done this in your
relationships in the past when you've said things

"I can't believe how I didn't hardly ever see
any of my friends while we were together."


"I can't believe I let him control me that


"I feel so stupid for wasting so much of my
time on our relationship, when I could have been
doing things for me and my life."

The reality is that no man and no relationship
are capable of being everything to a woman.

And no relationship requires that you sacrifice
all your time, life, and energy for it... no
matter how much it seems that way.

But our relationships can "trick" us into
believing that they need all of our time and
attention just to survive.

Not true.

In fact, the way this works is completely

Often times a man will leave a woman because
he sees that she depends too much on him and has
lost her own sources of happiness... and this not
only looks and feels "needy" to a man, but it
keeps the woman from having much to bring into the
relationship and add to their lives together.

Reason 5: "She's Trying To Fix Me..."

I had failed relationships because either me or the guy thinks "people don't


People often change their state of mind in an

Especially from happy to sad.

Of course, changing perspectives, opinions, or
beliefs can take a bit longer... but these change
quickly, too.

A man can and will "change" and compromise for
a woman.

It's a fact.

I see it all the time where men let go of their
"bachelor lifestyles" for one special woman, and
change a ton about their social lives.

But this only happens when a man has HIS OWN
REASONS to change.

It NEVER works, or lasts, if a man simply tries
to change for a woman, or for the sake of the

There's a rule I like to use in my life when
ever I come to a situation where I'm trying to
align my own desires or goals with someone else's:

"All motivation is self-interest."

In other words, if you're trying to create a
great situation with a man, you're going to need
to understand what HIS REASONS are going to be for
doing the work on his end to make it happen.

But in many cases, a woman will try and get a
man to change by showing him how it affects HER,
not him.

This is the exact opposite of understanding
that people are motivated by the things THEY
WANT, and not what others feel and want.

It takes some maturity to accept that other
people (men) have their own unique way of seeing
things and wanting what they want (to stay and
work things out, or not).

But once you learn to accept these things and
start to work with them instead of against them,
life gets a whole lot easier.

And a whole lot more fun. (I'm not saying I'm already on this state but I'm getting there slowly. New year, new beginning...)

Here's my conclusion:

If a man is deeply committed to you and your
relationship on an emotional level, then any
"issues" you run into are just going to be "bumps
in the road" to him. And he'll be confident,
comfortable, open, and secure with you in working
them out.

But if a man ISN'T "emotionally committed" to
you, then each and every little problem is going
to cause him to get irritated, frustrated, and
have him wanting to blame you and withdraw.

Which is, in turn, going to make things much
less CERTAIN for you.

Oh well, seems tough for a woman to accept all these and it seems unfair but let's face the fact that men deal with things differently than the way women do. :)

Sunday, January 4, 2009

RP unemployment, poverty higher in 2009–WB

Friday Jan 02nd

RP unemployment, poverty higher in 2009–WB
Top News
Written by Cai U. Ordinario / Reporter
Thursday, 11 December 2008 00:24

AS the effects of the global economic slowdown in the Philippines and in the world reach their height in 2009, the World Bank (WB) expects more Filipinos will become unemployed or underemployed and fall below the poverty line next year.

In a briefing after the presentation of the results of the latest East Asia and Pacific Update, World Bank senior economist Eric Le Borgne said the Philippines should expect higher unemployment and underemployment rates, as well as poverty-incidence level in 2009.

Unemployment in the July round of the Labor Force Survey periodically released by the National Statistics Office was pegged at 7.4 percent, and underemployment at 21 percent. The 2006 poverty-incidence level in terms of population, according to National Statistical Coordination Board data was pegged at 32.9

The WB, in an earlier report, said the Philippines’ poverty-incidence level was at 22.6 percent in 2006
at a poverty threshold of $1.25 a day.

However, Le Borgne said due to the “high uncertainty” of the situation next year, he could not give an estimate of how high the country’s unemployment and underemployment or the poverty-incidence level will be.

“Employment prospects are tightening, unemployment and underemployment could rise significantly and the strong flow of remittances will likely be more challenging to sustain,” Le Borgne said. “Escaping poverty will be extremely difficult in 2009.”

Le Borgne said the increase in unemployment and underemployment might be rooted in the expected slowdown of new investments next year and the possibility that more overseas Filipino workers (OFWs) will be laid off from their jobs abroad and be forced to return home in 2009.

With this, World Bank East Asia Region lead economist Ivailo Izvorski said the nominal amount of remittances might decline. But he expects migrant workers, especially OFWs, to struggle to maintain the steady flow of remittances to their families in the Philippines.

Izvorski said that in terms of remittance flows, the Philippine experience is “paradoxical” and goes against the general trend. He said that at a time when remittance should have slowed down, the government announced a 17-percent growth in OFW inflows.

“Remittances will be slow but migrant workers will struggle to maintain [inflows] steady,” Izvorski said in a videoconference with reporters from East Asia.

Vikram Nehru, World Bank Poverty Reduction, Economic Management and Private and Financial Sector Development regional chief economist in the East Asia Region, said the impact of the crisis on the country will be most likely seen in employment, wages and poverty incidence.

However, Nehru said there may be some reprieve for the poor in the Philippines, considering that the government is now extending conditional cash transfers conditional to the poorest families. This can contribute in the efforts to sustain domestic demand in 2009.

He said that despite the volatility of the current economic environment, no multinational firms have pulled out their investments from countries like the Philippines.

This is crucial for the Philippines, considering that a lot of Filipinos depend on multinational firms who outsource some of their business processes to the country through business-process outsourcing firms to earn a living.

Nehru said, however, that the uncertainty in the global economic environment still makes pulling out investments an option for multinationals, especially those who are based in the United States.

“They have every intention to continue [their existing investments. However, there is reluctance for new investments. At the moment, I don’t see multinationals moving out, but I don’t know [how they will react in the near future to the rapidly changing economic environment],” Nehru said.

However, Le Borgne said that despite these challenges, the Philippine economy would be resilient in 2009. The World Bank projected in the East Asia Update that the Philippines will grow by 4.3 percent in 2008 and 3 percent in 2009.

With this, the World Bank is urging the national government to see the crisis also as an opportunity to establish or strengthen its safety nets to protect the poor and boost domestic demand to enhance the country and region’s chances of weathering the global slowdown.

“The report expects the Philippine economy to remain resilient and stresses that the direct impact on the Philippine banking system from the turmoil has been marginal. Overall exposure to structured products is estimated at about 2 percent of banking assets,” the bank said in a statement.

Le Borgne said the country needed to protect the sustainability of its fiscal sector to allow for better and more capital and social expenditures next year. He also said that the appropriate monetary policy to control inflationary pressures may be necessary to be balanced next year to protect the poor.

Overall, the report stated that the risks to East Asia are substantial in the near term but countries will be better positioned to deal with the crisis if they are able to maintain macroeconomic stability, shift exports to faster growing regions in the world, substitute external with domestic demand, and continue with structural reforms to strengthen competitiveness.

Unemployment to hit 8% to 9% in 2009

Friday Jan 02nd Unemployment to hit 8% to 9% in 2009
Top News
Written by Cai U. Ordinario / Reporter

A SLOWER economy will force private companies to lay off more workers next year, which could result in an unemployment rate ranging from 8 percent to 9 percent in the Philippines in 2009.

The government recently downgraded the country’s gross domestic product (GDP) growth next year to 3.7 percent to 4.7 percent from the last Development Budget Coordination Committee forecast of 4.1 percent to 5.1 percent.

With this, state-owned think tank Philippine Institute for Development Studies president Josef Yap said, on the sidelines of the 46th Annual Meeting of the Philippine Economic Society, that the unemployment level in the country will not be in double digits but will just be slightly lower at around 8 percent to 9 percent.

In October 2004, the National Statistics Office (NSO) reported that based on the old definition of unemployment in the country, the number of unemployed in the Philippines at that time was 10.9 percent.

In that year, the country adopted International Labor Organization (ILO) standards in reporting labor force statistics. Under the ILO definition, those who are unavailable to do work would no longer be classified as unemployed.

This reduced the number of unemployed persons in the country. In October 2004, while the Philippine definition showed unemployment rising to 10.9 percent, the ILO standards only showed unemployment at 7.1 percent.

Director Dennis Arroyo of the National Economic and Development Authority (Neda) National Planning
and Policy Staff agreed with Yap and said that while 2009’s unemployment will be higher than this year and in 2007, it will not also reach 2004’s double-digit unemployment rate.

“The employment rate next year will slow down but it will not be catastrophic,” Arroyo said after the closing of the PES meeting at the Bangko Sentral ng Pilipinas on Friday.

However, whatever unemployment rate will be registered in the October 2008 round of the NSO’s Labor Force Survey could be a leading indicator of the level of unemployment the country will have next year, said the director.

And while the Neda does not give an official projection or estimate of the employment or unemployment level, the government will be studying the effect of the crisis on key areas such as the overseas Filipino workers (OFWs) sector.

Arroyo does not expect an increase in the number of OFWs who will become unemployed next year, because jobs overseas are less sensitive to recession.

The Neda official said most Filipinos employed in severely affected countries like the United States were somehow employed in indispensible areas of the work force. Meaning, since most Filipinos were employed as teachers, caregivers and nurses, they will be the last to be fired. Still, the crisis may cause a slowdown in the remittances they will send to their families here.

If these workers get fired, said Arroyo, countries in the Middle East can absorb them, and this includes even those workers who work in other sectors like construction, who will be fired from crisis-affected countries.

Oil economies—Saudi Arabia, Dubai and Oman, for example—are now spending the profits they have earned through years of drilling and selling oil in the international market on the construction sector.

“Even if the US economy tailspins, oil economies such as Saudi Arabia, Dubai and Oman will compensate. They are now investing in heavy construction,” Arroyo said.

The NSO reported the July unemployment rate was at 7.4 percent compared with 7.8 percent in July 2007. Among the regions, the highest unemployment rate was in Metro Manila, at 12.8 percent.

The number of unemployed was higher among males (61.7 percent) than females (38.3 percent). By age group, for every 10 unemployed persons, five or 51.8 percent belonged to the age group 15 to 24 years, while three or 28.5 percent were in the age group 25 to 34.

Across educational groups, among the unemployed, high-school graduates comprised more than one-third or 34.1 percent; college undergraduates comprised about one-fifth or 20.8 percent; and college graduates, 19.5 percent.